This will be a sort of a blog where I write about what I'm learning.
It is often said of Zen Buddhism that it is like a finger pointing at the moon
. I think that is
true in a more prosaic sense for many disciplines which you simply cannot learn by merely reading about them.
It is certainly true of music: you have to learn by doing. That is not to say that there is no value
in books about music, otherwise I wouldn't be bothering to write this, but your musical ability must
be developed by practice.
All of the musical examples here can be listened to by clicking on them. The main reason for doing this is so that it does not disturb the flow of your reading. However you really should make an effort to actually play the examples for yourself, on your instrument of choice, and also attempt to develop a musical ear by constantly trying to anticipate what they will sound like before you play them. This gets easier, honestly, and if you get really good at it you will need to click on the examples only for confirmation.