Music theory, for the most part, deals with the interaction of four separate “voices” called Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (S, A, T, B). They are written on two staves, the Soprano and Alto in the upper stave with a treble clef, and the Tenor and Bass in the lower stave with a bass clef. Their ranges are roughly as follows:

Although the ranges overlap, it is conventional that for any given chord the four voices stack
with the Soprano on top, the Alto below the soprano, The Tenor below the Alto and the Bass on the bottom. Here’s an example of four part harmony:

That very simple progression demonstrates quite a lot of the rules
of harmony, rules that you need to know even if you intend to break them later on. I need to lay down one really important rule first, then we can examine that progression in more detail. The rule is:
- Avoid parallel octaves and fifths at all costs.
Parallel octaves and fifths occur between two voices, an octave or a fifth apart, when they both move in the same direction by the same interval. They are especially evil when they occur between the Soprano and the Bass, but should be avoided in all cases.
Now back to our progression. First of all notice that there is often quite a gap betheen the Bass and the Tenor. This is normal and desirable to get a convincing bass line. Let’s discuss each chord in turn, and consider its relation to its neighbours.
- I
- The tonic chord in root position. Notice that the Soprano, Alto and Tenor notes are spread out rather than close together. This is called
open position
. Their positions are not arbitrary though: they occur as E, G and C (top to bottom) This is the same order as they would appear in a first inversion triad read bottom to top. Put another way, you can get from open toclose position
(where the notes are as close together as possible) by transposing the Tenor up an octave. Another thing to note is that it is only the Bass of the chord that counts when identifying the inversion of the chord – the S, A and T can appear in any order. - V64 (open position)
- While root position and first inversion chords can be used pretty much anywhere, the second inversion has more limited uses, and this is one of them. It is called a
passing 6-4
and is placed so that its bass is on the note between the bass of a root position chord (I) and its first inversion (I6). - I6
- Here’s a basic rule:
don’t double the third in a major 6-3 chord
. There is a reason for this. Any major chord really wants to be a dominant, in which case the third acts as the leading note and wants to rise by step to the imaginedtonic
in the next chord. This tendancy is most pronounced if the third is in the Bass. If you were to double the third, you would have two thirds both wanting to rise by step and parallel octaves would result. For that reason what might have been an E in the Tenor has been moved down to the C, so the chord is neither in open nor close position. - IV (close position)
- This chord is often used to prepare an authentic cadence (V–I or I64–V–I).
- I64 (close position)
- This is the other main use of a 6-4 chord, as a
cadential 6-4
where it preceeds the dominant in an authentic cadence. This highlights why 6-4 chords are more awkward to deal with. They behave like adouble appogiatura
where both the 6 and the 4 want very much to resolve downwards by step to the 5 and the 3 on the same bass. I64–V does just this. Unless cleverly hidden (such as in a passing 6-4) almost any other chord following a 6-4 will sound wrong in some way. Also notice how the progression I V64 I6 IV I64 forms a scale. A smooth Bass is a sign of good four part writing. - V7 (close position)
- Since it follows a cadential 6-4 it has the same bass note, but here the bass drops an octave for a more final effect. Notice that the third (B) rises to the tonic (C) while the seventh (F) falls to the mediant (E) in the next chord. Again, to allow these natural progressions, the following chord is in neither open nor close position.
- I
- As discussed, the progression V–I at the end of a phrase constitutes an authentic cadence. If furthermore both chords are in root position, and the Soprano of the I is the tonic, then this is a
perfect cadence
. Many people mistakenly refer to any authentic cadence as a perfect cadence, but there is a difference.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that this is just theory
– good four part harmony can stand on its own as a finished piece of music, and it forms the skeleton of most if not all tonal music that has ever been written.
your tenor is not right, it should be from the c to the high g
Hmm, my copy of Piston, p 16, has it from C to A