Code generation is a lot like compilation, except that the source isn't a real programming language.
Just to get the ball rolling, here's an application of code generation that doesn't fit the standard Enterprise Application mold: here I'm using code generation to build a class heirarchy for abstract syntax trees.
The idea is pretty simple. An abstract syntax tree is a tree containing
the results of parsing a programming language. Nodes of the tree could be
function calls, operator application or control flow constructs, and the
leaves of the tree would be comstants and variables. Of course these trees
cannot be constructed arbitrarily, it doesn't often make sense to add
an integer to a record for example, so the constructors for the nodes
need to declare (or, in an untyped language, type-check) their arguments.
Each node will furthermore need accessors and probably an accept()
method for the Visitor pattern, so that is a substantial amount of boiler-plate code
for something that is easily describeable at a very high level.
Here's a snapshot of the AST definition from F♮:
abstract Expr() Expr Char(scalar value) # [id] Expr Number(scalar value) Expr WildCard() abstract Expr Symbol() # [id] Symbol DollarName(scalar name) Symbol Name(scalar name) Symbol TypeName(scalar name) abstract Expr List() List Cons(Expr car, List cdr) List Nil() abstract Expr Sequence() Sequence Statement(Expr car, Sequence cdr) Sequence EmptySequence() abstract Expr Constructors() Constructors Constructor(Expr car, Constructors cdr) Constructors EmptyConstructor() Expr Typedef(Expr type, Constructors constructors) Expr Type(Expr type) Expr Apply(Expr op, List args) Expr End(Expr expr) Expr Define(Symbol name, Expr value) Expr Declare(Name name) Expr Lambda(List args, Sequence body) Expr LambdaSwitch(List lambdas) Expr Try(Apply attempt, LambdaSwitch catches) Expr Throw(List exprs) Expr String(scalar value) Expr LambdaLet(List formals, List actuals, Sequence Body) Expr LambdaSwitchLet(List actuals, List lambdas) # these next are rewritten by the RewritingVisitor Expr And(Expr a, Expr b) Expr Or(Expr a, Expr b) Expr Not(Expr) Expr If(Expr test, Sequence consequent, Sequence alternative) Expr Then(Expr first, Expr second) Expr Pairs(List list) Expr Switch(List exprs, LambdaSwitch lambdas)
This is a high level but complete description of the required classes, all of the details of implementation are merely repetitive, which makes it a perfect candidate for code generation.
So, given this description, and a couple of command-line options to cover
class prefixes etc., my treebuilder (tbd) will generate
all of the classes required. For example, here's the generated class
definition for Expr If(Expr test, Sequence consequent, Sequence alternative)
# WARNING: Automatically generated from ast.tb on Sat May 29 18:51:18 2010 GMT. DO NOT EDIT! YOUR EDITS WILL BE LOST! package Lang::FN::AST::If; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Lang::FN::AST::Expr); =head1 NAME Lang::FN::AST::If - a tree node, a type of Lang::FN::AST::Expr. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Lang::FN::AST::API; my $if = If($test, $consequent, $alternative); my $test = $if->getTest(); my $consequent = $if->getConsequent(); my $alternative = $if->getAlternative(); $if->accept(new Lang::FN::AST::Visitor()); =head1 METHODS Individual Lang::FN::AST::If methods are described below. =head2 new my $If = new Lang::FN::AST::If($test, $consequent, $alternative); or better: use Lang::FN::AST::API; my $If = If($test, $consequent, $alternative); The C<If()> subroutine is provided by C<Lang::FN::AST::API> to make it easier to create instances of C<Lang::FN::AST::If>. In either case C<$test> must be a C<Lang::FN::AST::Expr>, C<$consequent> must be a C<Lang::FN::AST::Sequence> and C<$alternative> must be a C<Lang::FN::AST::Sequence>. =cut sub new { die "wrong number of arguments to Lang::FN::AST::If::new(\$test, \$consequent, \$alternative)\n" unless @_ == 4; my ($class, $test, $consequent, $alternative) = @_; die "argument test to If is not a Lang::FN::AST::Expr, it is a ", (ref($test) || 'scalar'), "\n" unless defined($test) && $test->isa('Lang::FN::AST::Expr'); die "argument consequent to If is not a Lang::FN::AST::Sequence, it is a ", (ref($consequent) || 'scalar'), "\n" unless defined($consequent) && $consequent->isa('Lang::FN::AST::Sequence'); die "argument alternative to If is not a Lang::FN::AST::Sequence, it is a ", (ref($alternative) || 'scalar'), "\n" unless defined($alternative) && $alternative->isa('Lang::FN::AST::Sequence'); return bless { _test => $test, _consequent => $consequent, _alternative => $alternative, }, $class; } =head2 getTest my $test = $If->getTest(); gets the value of the C<test> field, which is a C<Lang::FN::AST::Expr>. =cut sub getTest { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{_test}; } =head2 getConsequent my $consequent = $If->getConsequent(); gets the value of the C<consequent> field, which is a C<Lang::FN::AST::Sequence>. =cut sub getConsequent { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{_consequent}; } =head2 getAlternative my $alternative = $If->getAlternative(); gets the value of the C<alternative> field, which is a C<Lang::FN::AST::Sequence>. =cut sub getAlternative { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{_alternative}; } =head2 accept $If->accept(new Lang::FN::AST::Visitor()); Accepts a C<Lang::FN::AST::Visitor> and calls its C<visitIf> method, passing it C<$self> (i.e. a C<Lang::FN::AST::If>) as argument. =cut sub accept { my ($self, $visitor) = @_; return $visitor->visitIf($self); } =head2 eq if ($If->eq($other)) { ... } Returns true if the argument C<$other> is recursively equal to C<$self>. =cut sub eq { my ($self, $other) = @_; if (ref($other) eq 'Lang::FN::AST::If') { return 1 && $self->getTest->eq($other->getTest) && $self->getConsequent->eq($other->getConsequent) && $self->getAlternative->eq($other->getAlternative) } else { return 0; } } =head2 isIf Returns true. =cut sub isIf { 1 } =head1 AUTHOR Automatically generated from ast.tb on Sat May 29 18:51:18 2010 GMT. =head1 SEE ALSO The other generated node classes: L<Lang::FN::AST::And>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Apply>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Char>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Cons>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Constructor>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Constructors>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Declare>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Define>, L<Lang::FN::AST::DollarName>, L<Lang::FN::AST::EmptyConstructor>, L<Lang::FN::AST::EmptySequence>, L<Lang::FN::AST::End>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Expr>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Lambda>, L<Lang::FN::AST::LambdaLet>, L<Lang::FN::AST::LambdaSwitch>, L<Lang::FN::AST::LambdaSwitchLet>, L<Lang::FN::AST::List>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Name>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Nil>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Not>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Number>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Or>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Pairs>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Sequence>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Statement>, L<Lang::FN::AST::String>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Switch>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Symbol>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Then>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Throw>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Try>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Type>, L<Lang::FN::AST::TypeName>, L<Lang::FN::AST::Typedef>, L<Lang::FN::AST::WildCard>, an abstract visitor that can be subclassed to walk them: L<Lang::FN::AST::Visitor>, and the API that makes them available: L<Lang::FN::AST::API>. =cut 1;
The point of all this is to be able to use these constructors directly in a yapp or similar grammar file. Here's a snippet of these generated classes in action:
... expr : int | char | string ... | END expr %prec L_5 { End($_[2]) } | expr '=' expr { Apply(Name('='), Cons($_[1], Cons($_[3], Nil))) } | expr THEN expr { Then($_[1], $_[3]) } | expr '&&' expr { And($_[1], $_[3]) } | expr '||' expr { Or($_[1], $_[3]) } | '!' expr { Not($_[2]) } | '(' expr ')' { $_[2] } ... ; ifexpr : IF '(' expr ')' block ELSE alternative { If($_[3], $_[5], $_[7]) } ; alternative : block | ifexpr ;
One of the visitors over the resulting tree is a rewriting visitor that
converts some abstract syntax to simpler forms so that there are fewer
constructs that need to be dealt with later on. Here's the visitor
routine that converts If
abstract syntax to a function call:
sub visitIf { my ($self, $if) = @_; my $test = $if->getTest->accept($self); my $consequent = $if->getConsequent->accept($self); my $alternative = $if->getAlternative->accept($self); Apply( LambdaSwitch( Cons( Lambda( Cons(TypeName('True'), Nil), Statement( End($consequent->getCar), $consequent->getCdr ) ), Cons( Lambda( Cons(TypeName('False'), Nil), $alternative ), Nil ) ) ), Cons($if->getTest->accept($self), Nil) ) }